Bear Lake Raspberry Days Parade Info & Vendor Forms

RASPBERRY DAYS PARADE - August 1ST at 6:00 p.m.

Parade Route:
#1 -  Line up starts at 200 N and Bear Lake Blvd at 5:00 pm
#2 - Parade route travels south on Bear Lake Blvd
#3 - Parade turns west on 350 South
#4 - Parade Participants can be picked up on 100 West at the end of the parade.

Raspberry Days Parade Route

Raspberry Days Parade Registration Form

Please complete the Online Form below or download, print and return the paper form.

Parade Standards, Rules, and Information

1.    Float Regulations:  The Raspberry Days Parade is a family-oriented event and as such, the Parade Director has the right to disqualify and or remove any entry perceived as being inappropriate, unsafe, or not suitable for all family members.

2.    Decorations:  All floats must be 100% decorated.  Undecorated vehicles need to be vintage/antique models 1970 and older.

3.    Vehicles:  All street vehicles must comply with Utah laws regarding registration.  All units (including 4-wheelers) must be driven by a licensed and insured driver.

Before the Parade

4.    Each entry must obtain a copy of the parade route map available online.  This map will identify the beginning and ending parade locations.

5.    The parade staging area will close to ALL non-float traffic at 5:00 p.m.  Please be sure to inform those who are associated with your entry, especially parents of children and other float entrants.

6.    For the Raspberry Days Parade to commence at 6:00 pm, everyone must be present to line up by 5:30 pm.  Garden City police will close all access roads to the parade route around 5:30 pm.

7.    Upon your arrival, you will be assigned a number. Return your number to the parade staff at the end of the parade. If you have any problems or concerns, parade staff will be available to answer questions.

During the Parade

8.     All entries must have adult supervision.  If you are responsible for children, please remain with them until their parents have picked them up.

9.    Each entry that would like to distribute candy, t-shirts, etc, will need to have at least two spotters.  These spotters will walk on each side of the float to insure children are a safe distance from the float.  Participants who wish to distribute candy, prizes, coupons, t-shirts, etc must do so in a manner that does not endanger or cause injury to anyone.

10. All entries with horses, or other animals, must have a clean-up crew following their entry.

11. Please maintain a distance of 30—60 feet between you and the entry in front of you and no more than 100 feet.

12. No stopping or performing on the road. All performers must be on a trailer/float or other approved vehicle.

After the Parade

13.  Parents and friends may pick up parade participants after the  

 parade at the Red Barn located at 100 West.

14. Entries in the Raspberry Days Parade will be judged as follows

Main Parade will receive awards for

  • Best Theme Float-Judged by Raspberry Days Committee

  • Mayors Choice

  • Fire Chief Choice

  • Chamber Choice

Bear Lake Raspberry Days Vendor Forms


2024 Vendor Applications are CLOSED. 2025 vendor applications will open on November 1st on

40th Anniversary 2024 THEME- Raspberry Retro Revival

ALL applications must be filled out online.  NO PAPER APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.  Please contact us at or (435) 994-8289‬ if you have any questions.

Entertainer Information

For an Entertainer Application & Information email